15/11 - Practicing Gratitude / Brisbane Artist
G R A T I T U D E - Sometimes, I am overcome with such gratefulness to be alive, to see the sun, to smell the flowers and to feel LOVE. There is so much to be celebrated in life, so much to appreciate, it's often just looking at the simple positives that help me see the light! Living a life with an open heart, where does it get you? It gives you a trail of living memories, where you bare your heart and soul, knowing that you ALWAYS put your BEST foot forward and SENT THE LOVE with every...

15/11 - Colourful artwork / Dreaming of pastels
Do you love COLOUR as much as me?! My fav palette evolves day by day and is an extension of how I feel at that point in time. Lately I have been dreaming of happy pastels and fun shapes derived from nature. Colour is so expressive and powerful to each person everyday!

10/11 - Website updates / Canvas Framed artworks!
LOVING the recent website updates showcasing the CANVAS framing options, sometimes I just love to see the textures and colours sitting pretty all together. Visit the shop to see more details about canvas framing!

11/10 - Blue toned art print / Brisbane artist
SPRING COLOUR POP II. Summer is here with a dash of calming blue. Available in large & small print. Posted with Love from Sunny Brisbane, Australia x

02/08 - Dancing Maidens Colourful flower print. Happy vibes!
DANCING MAIDENS PRINT ~ Moving in the flow of the soft breeze, these Medinilla Flowers are doing their thing with beauty & grace ✨