08/08 - pen gliding / artist brisbane
I BREATHE in and the pen glides over the paper..suspended in the moment, free from thought and enjoying the journey...x

01/08 - Brisbane artist / nature is beautiful
Nature never ceases to amaze me, growing over time into something beautiful, withstanding all the elements, resilient, wild and free!

26/06 - Colourful artwork / Brisbane artist
C R E A T I N G A R TÂ is a form of slowing down and being present, experiencing the relationship between colour and form, which entices a feeling in my soul! x

26/06 - Hello Sunshine!
Good morning! Such beautiful gifts from the sun here in the form of these lovely shadows x

29/05 - Brisbane Artist / Colourful Botanical Art
How are you going today?Can you see the sunshine through the trees and feel the warmth on your face? Sending love your way today x x